
Reacl core functionality.






(->Effects args)

Positional factory function for reacl2.core/Effects.


(->EmbedAppState app-state embed)

Positional factory function for reacl2.core/EmbedAppState.


(->KeywordEmbedder keyword)

Positional factory function for reacl2.core/KeywordEmbedder.


(->Options map)

Positional factory function for reacl2.core/Options.



(class ?name & ?stuff)

Create a Reacl class.

The syntax is

(reacl.core/class <name> [<this-name> [<app-state-name>]] [<param> ...]
  render <renderer-exp>
  [local-state [<name> <initial-state-exp>]
  [local [<local-name> <local-expr>]]
  [handle-message <messager-handler-exp>]
  [<lifecycle-method-name> <lifecycle-method-exp> ...])

<name> is a name for the class, for debugging purposes.

A number of names are bound in the various expressions in the body of reacl.core/class:

  • <this-name> is bound to the component object itself
  • <app-state-name> is bound to the global application state
  • <local-state-name> is bound to the component-local state
  • the <param> … names are the explicit arguments of instantiations

A local clause allows binding additional local variables upon instantiation. The syntax is analogous to let.

<renderer-exp> is an expression that renders the component, and hence must return a virtual dom node.

The handle-message function accepts a message sent to the component via reacl.core/send-message!. It’s expected to return a value specifying a new application state and/or component-local state, via reacl.core/return.

A class can be invoked to yield a component as a function as follows:

(<class> <app-state> <reaction> <arg> ...)

In this invocation, the value of <app-state> will be the initial app state, <reaction> must evaluate to a reaction (see reacl.core.reaction) that gets invoked when the component’s app state changes, and the <arg>s get evaluated to the <param>s.

A lifecycle method can be one of:

component-will-mount component-did-mount component-will-receive-args should-component-update? component-will-update component-did-update component-will-unmount

These correspond to React’s lifecycle methods, see here:

(component-will-receive-args is similar to componentWillReceiveProps.)

Each right-hand-side <lifecycle-method-exp>s should evaluate to a function. The arguments, which slightly differ from the corresponding React methods, can be seen in the following list:

(component-will-mount) The component can send itself messages in this method, or optionally return a new state via reacl.core/return. If that changes the state, the component will only render once.

(component-did-mount) The component can update its DOM in this method. It can also return a new state via reacl.core/return.

(component-will-receive-args next-arg1 next-arg2 ...) The component has the chance to update its local state in this method by sending itself a message or optionally return a new state via reacl.core/return.

(should-component-update? next-app-state next-local-state next-arg1 next-arg2 ...) This method should return if the given new values should cause an update of the component (if render should be evaluated again). If it’s not specified, a default implementation will do a (=) comparison with the current values. Implement this, if you want to prevent an update on every app-state change for example.

(component-will-update next-app-state next-local-state next-arg1 next-arg2 ...) Called immediately before an update.

(component-did-update prev-app-state prev-local-state prev-arg1 prev-arg2 ...) Called immediately after an update. The component can update its DOM here.

(component-will-unmount) The component can cleanup it’s DOM here for example.


(defrecord New-text [text]) (defrecord Submit []) (defrecord Change [todo])

(reacl/defclass to-do-app this app-state []

local-state [local-state ""]

 (dom/h3 "TODO")
 (dom/div (map (fn [todo]
                 (dom/keyed (str (:id todo))
                             (reacl/reaction this ->Change)
               (:todos app-state)))
  {:onsubmit (fn [e _]
               (.preventDefault e)
               (reacl/send-message! this (Submit.)))}
  (dom/input {:onchange 
              (fn [e]
                 (New-text. (.. e -target -value))))
              :value local-state})
   (str "Add #" (:next-id app-state)))))

(fn [msg]
   (instance? New-text msg)
   (reacl/return :local-state (:text msg))

   (instance? Submit msg)
   (let [next-id (:next-id app-state)]
     (reacl/return :local-state ""
                   (assoc app-state
                     (concat (:todos app-state)
                             [(Todo. next-id local-state false)])
                     :next-id (+ 1 next-id))))

   (instance? Delete msg)
   (let [id (:id (:todo msg))]
     (reacl/return :app-state
                   (assoc app-state
                     (remove (fn [todo] (= id (:id todo)))
                             (:todos app-state)))))

   (instance? Change msg)
   (let [changed-todo (:todo msg)
         changed-id (:id changed-todo)]
     (reacl/return :app-state
                   (assoc app-state
                     :todos (mapv (fn [todo]
                                    (if (= changed-id (:id todo) )
                                  (:todos app-state))))))))


(create-class display-name compat-v1? mixins has-app-state? compute-locals fns)



(defclass ?name & ?stuff)

Define a Reacl class, see class for documentation.

The syntax is

(reacl.core/defclass <name> [<this-name> [<app-state-name> [<local-state-name>]]] [<param> ...]
  render <renderer-exp>
  [initial-state <initial-state-exp>]
  [<lifecycle-method-name> <lifecycle-method-exp> ...]
  [handle-message <messager-handler-exp>]

  <event-handler-name> <event-handler-exp> ...)

This expands to this:

(def <name>
  (reacl.core/class <name> [<this-name> [<app-state-name> [<local-state-name>]]] [<param> ...]
    render <renderer-exp>
    [initial-state <initial-state-exp>]
    [<lifecycle-method-name> <lifecycle-method-exp> ...]
    [handle-message <messager-handler-exp>]

    <event-handler-name> <event-handler-exp> ...))


(dispatch-action! comp action)

Dispatch an action from a Reacl component.

You can call this from a regular event handler.


This marks effects returned by an invocation.

The args field contains the list of arguments to return.

Used internally by return.



(extract-initial-app-state this)

Extract initial applications state from a Reacl component.


(handle-returned! comp ret)

Handle all effects described in a Returned object.


(has-class? clazz element)

Find out if an element was generated from a certain Reacl class.


(instantiate-toplevel clazz frst & rst)

For testing purposes mostly.


(invoke-reaction this reaction value)

Invokes the given reaction with the given message value (usually an app-state).



(map->Effects G__3720)

Factory function for reacl2.core/Effects, taking a map of keywords to field values.


(map->EmbedAppState G__3641)

Factory function for reacl2.core/EmbedAppState, taking a map of keywords to field values.


(map->KeywordEmbedder G__3650)

Factory function for reacl2.core/KeywordEmbedder, taking a map of keywords to field values.


(map->Options G__3667)

Factory function for reacl2.core/Options, taking a map of keywords to field values.



(mixin & ?stuff)

Define a mixin. Mixins let you provide additional lifecycle method expressions that you can mix into your components.

The syntax is

(reacl.core/mixin [<this> [<app-state> [<local-state>]]] [<param> ...]
  [<lifecycle-method-name> <lifecycle-method-exp> ...])

In order to use the mixin you can use the mixins clause in defclass

(reacl.core/defclass foo ...
  mixins [(<your-mixin-var> [<param> ...])]

The lifecycle method expressions in the mixins will be called in order. Only after all mixin lifecycle methods have been handled the component’s own lifecycle method will be called.


Use this as a reaction if you don’t want to react to an app-state change.


(opt & {:as mp})

Create options for component instantiation.

Takes keyword arguments :reaction, :embed-app-state, :reduce-action.

  • :reaction must be a reaction to an app-state change, typically created via reaction, no-reaction, or pass-through-reaction. -
  • :embed-app-state can be specified as an alternative to :reaction and specifies, that the app state of this component is embedded in the parent component’s app state. This must be a function of two arguments, the parent app state and this component’s app-state. It must return a new parent app state.
  • :reduce-action takes arguments [app-state action] where app-state is the app state of the component being instantiated, and action is an action. This should call return to handle the action. By default, it is a function with body (return :action action) returning the action unchanged. This is called on every action generated by the child component. Local-state changes through this function are ignored.


(opt-handle-effects! component v)


Optional arguments for instantiation.


(pass-through-reaction component)

Use this if you want to pass the app-state as the message.

component must be the component to send the message to


(react-class clazz)

Extract the React class from a Reacl class.


(reaction component make-message & args)

A reaction that says how to deal with a new app state in a subcomponent.

  • component component to send a message to
  • make-message function to apply to the new app state and any additional args, to make the message.

Common specialized reactions are no-reaction and pass-through-reaction.


(render-component element clazz & rst)

Instantiate and render a component into the DOM.

  • element is the DOM element
  • clazz is the Reacl class
  • opts is an object created with opt
  • app-state is the application state
  • args is a seq of class arguments


(return & args)

Return state from a Reacl event handler.

Has two optional keyword arguments:

  • :app-state is for a new app state.
  • :local-state is for a new component-local state.
  • :action is for an action

A state can be set to nil. To keep a state unchanged, do not specify that option, or specify the value reacl.core/keep-state.


(send-message! comp msg)

Send a message to a Reacl component.

Returns the Returned object returned by the message handler.