
Various utilities for Reacl.


A reacl class that delays clazz’s state change for delay milliseconds.


This is a reacl class that implements a text input field that can be used as search field:

 (reacl/defclass search-input this state []
   (dom/letdom [search-input 
                (dom/input {:type "text"
                            :id "search"
                            :onChange #(reacl/send-message! this (.-value (dom/dom-node this search-input)))})]
     (dom/div search-input))
   (fn [data]
     (reacl/return :app-state data)))

Often it is not efficient to actually perform a search and update the search results after every key the user types, but only after the user hasn’t type anything in while. The delayed reacl class provides a way to delay the propagatation of the search-field’s state change. Here, the search field’s update to the application state is published after a delay of 200 milliseconds of inactivity:

 (delayed this search-input 200)

Or, to keep the internal state of delayed and search-input separate from the surrounding application’s state, you can embed delayed:

 (delayed this local-state (reacl/pass-through-reaction this) filter-input 200)


(make-datalist id & [options])

Map a list of options to a datalist.


(values-of-child-nodes this parent)

Returns a list of values of all child nodes of a parent dom object.